Feek Family Citrus - About

The Florida Citrus Experts

We’re farmers. We’re packers. We’re businesspeople. And we love what we do. By focusing on the land, the groves, and our people with an eye towards efficiency and quality, we’ve built a reputation for consistently delivering premium citrus.

True partners with our buyers, we’re frequently asked to advise retailers and food service companies on establishing their buying specifications. We also consult with other growers on farm management practices to maintain healthy groves and produce quality fruit.

In addition, we provide a reliable industry perspective to researchers and are a trusted source for trade media looking for current information on the Florida citrus industry.


Since 1991, we’ve been known as one of the most trusted and sought-after citrus suppliers.


Unparalleled Customer Service

We grow, pack, and ship citrus, but fundamentally, we are in the people business. We strive to go above and beyond to meet the needs of our retail and food service partners. We pride ourselves on always being available, honor our commitments and respond quickly to any issues.